Friday, July 2, 2010

Success first starts off as a mental thing!

First of all let's define SUCCESS.

What is success really?

Some people can say that success isn't solely based on monetary accomplishments but rather the free things in life. Such as health, happiness and love.

I think success is a combination AND a balance of those things, as well as an economic success.

So how can you achieve it? Is it possible?

I personally believe success FIRST starts off as a mental thing.
Ghandi said it best:
"Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny."

If you believe in yourself,skills or potential it effects all other things that are required of you to succeed, ie. taking action,developing skills and having the c o r r e c t mentality.All of which are essential things needed to be a success in your area of choice.

Let's evaluate step 1.Your beliefs become your thoughts....if you believe that you can in fact achieve something that marathon,win the competition or perform for a large audience you will start to think you can if you FEEL/really believe that you can.

Step 2:Eventually after all the believing,thinking and saying you will start to act upon those beliefs and thoughts. If you believe/think you won't make it as an artist,singer or writer you will start to translate those NEGATIVE thoughts into reality thus professing your OWN downfall! If you don't believe in yourself other most certainly won't! So now what?? YOU don't believe in yourself and neither does anyone else. Since you believe you c a n't make it (a very negative approach to YOUR dreams!) as an artist or a writer you won't act upon something that is just as hopeless as your thoughts.

Once you fail to jump on an opportunity ( Yes a great opportunity that you're missing out on!) once you fail to act on your desire to become a novel writer you will continue to take NO action and it'll become a habit and eventually you'll quit writing,dancing or singing for good.
And since your great writing skills,awesome hip hop moves or ability to hit high pitched notes (better than Mariah of course lol )are no longer being practiced valued or put as a priority in your life you lose the skills you DO NOT work on diligently.((Also good to keep in mind: that every time you're not out there practicing someone else is out there getting better. Maybe even better than you if you aren't the person doing all the practicing that is.))

So now that it's not important for you to go to dance class or submit that article for publishing (Since you told yourself you couldn't do it.) You will occupy your time chasing other things ( for some of us women that means men haha )and eventually your destiny becomes what you've been thinking,acting upon and putting on the pedestal (no not the pussy! ha)all along.

YOU alone can control your life,thoughts,actions,habits and eventually yes YOUR destiny!

Lastly, keep in mind that IF YOU BELIEVE IT(truly tho none of this half ass-ing you do w./your relationships)YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT! :]

IT'S ALLLL MENTAL soo get thinking!!!

With love,